Healthy apple juice for diabetes therapy

Health benefits of apple juice - In today's modern era, being healthy is something expensive, because if you are sick it would have to spend much money to go to the doctor and buy medicine.

In fact, being healthy is not something difficult. You only need to consume fresh fruit everyday, so that your health is maintained well.

Healthy apple fruit for example, this fruit become favored by many people, the taste is sweet and crisp made apple use to consume in a variety of situations.

Many nutrients contained in apple fruit such a vitamins and minerals and high antioxidant, if you want to maintain body health an apple a day can be a great way to boost your protection against various disease. 

10 health benefits of apple:

  1. Improving the digestive muscles
  2. Pushing the food waste sewer
  3. Absorbing excess water in the intestine
  4. Controlling the release of insulin
  5. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
  6. Body cleanse
  7. Heal any inflammation
  8. Cure all infection 
  9. Help the formation of bone
  10. Absorb calcium from food

How to use apple for health is easy, you can eat raw or make a healthy juice. Here some simple step to make nice and healthy apple juice for maintaining health.


  • 100 grams of fresh apples washed and seeded 
  • Flesh of apple blended with 50cc of water
  • Drink one glass of juice a day after lunch.

With this healthy apple juice you can prevent a dangerous disease, specially heart disease and it proof by health studies about benefits apple for heart health.

See also: Health benefits of rosemary for natural beauty


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