Healthy avocado juices for diabetes therapy

Healthy avocado juice is a healthy drink that can overcome diabetes problem, leaves of the avocado tree can cure kidney disease, abdominal pain and dysentery.

health benefits of alvocado juice

Avocado fruit also as a basic ingredient for organic cosmetic, with avocado mask you can smooth your skin faces. 

Health benefits of avocado juice

  1. Treating thrush. 
  2. Treating diabetes.
  3. Treating high blood pressure.
  4. Smoothes dry face skin. 
  5. Pain cavities. 
  6. Reducing inflammation in the bone. 

How to make healthy avocado juice:
  • 100 gram ripe avocado washed with running water, seeds removed
  • Diced and then blended. 
  • Add water or soy milk little by little until 50 cc. 
  • This juice drink one glass a day in the afternoon or evening after meals.


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