Onion nutritional benefits

Onions are a vegetable that is famous the world community. Various processed foods are made and onion mix as one of the ingredients. Did you know that the benefits of onions so great for health, especially respiratory disease? 

Here are some onion nutritional content:
  1. Rich thiosulfinat
  2. Sulfur oxides
  3. Frukto-oligosaccharides
  4. Flavonoids
  5. Anticlotting

Onions benefits:
  • Overcome cough
  • Colds
  • Good for the heart
  • Treating strep throat
  • Treating asthma
  • Bacterial infections
  • Prevention of cancer

Because onions are sensitive to gastric, eat the right amount and do not overdo it.

Also read:
stinky beans benefits


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