Stinky beans benefits

Stinky beans is kind of vegetables with high trees and dense leaves. Usually used as a mixture in dishes like fried rice and the Americans used to call it "the most horible food". But in terms of benefits, stinky beans are very good for preventing various diseases. 

Stinky beans ingredients:
  1. Tryptophhan protein
  2. Vitamin B6
  3. Vitamin B12
  4. Iron
  5. High potassium
  6. Fiber
  7. Carbohydrates

Some of its benefits: 
  • Reduces the effects of a stroke
  • Neutralize gastric injury
  • Preventing obesity
  • Pushing the power of the brain
  • Fighting high blood pressure
  • Prevent anemia
  • Avoiding depression 
Eat wisely because stinky beans cause bad odor.

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