Amazing Health Benefits Of Javanese Turmeric

Temulawak use to call javanese turmeric or in latin curcuma xanthorrhiza, another herbal plant that I knows from my grandma, she said this herbal plant can do more to keep your health in shape and maintain body stamina. From what I knows, every people's in my villages often used this temulawak as a pain relief inside the bones. 

According to the health research institute temulawak herbal plant register as a traditional medicine to cure all various disease, such a  asthma and digestive problems. Lately this herbal plant made as a healthy drink and distributed to many countries specially in Asia region.

health benefits of javanese turmeric

Amazing health benefits of javanese turmeric

  • Fight against cancer
  • Helping to reduce blood cholesterol
  • Good for maintain liber
  • Overcome digestive problems
  • Cure hepatitis
  • Reduce asthma
  • Good for kidney health

Some expert of herbal remedies says this javanese turmeric has a side effect that can dangerous for pregnant woman, but the side effect of long consume  could be not good for your digestive. Even so, this javanese turmeric always recommended for maintain body health with the right doses of course.

If you interest about this herbal remedies and want to try made at home, this simple recipe maybe usefull.

Javanese turmeric herbal drink

  • 5 cm of javanese turmeric
  • Wash it clean
  • Slice into a small pieces
  • Boiled the turmeric in 500 ml water and make 250 ml
  • Strain the water and drink two times daily

Also read: health benefits of red ginger herbal drink


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