Health Benefits of Cinnamon Finally Revealed

Benefits of cinnamon has been used as a spice in cooking. This spice is very unique because it uses part of the stem bark of the cinnamon tree. Many various Indonesian culinary use cinnamon to taste like beef stew cooking. Cinnamon tree found in many parts of Indonesia precisely in the island of Sumatra.

Modern research shows that this spice may have some very advantageous properties, such a cure some dangerous disease.

health benefits of cinnamon

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

  • Numerous studies show that cinnamon can regulate blood sugar, making it a great choice for diabetics and hypoglycemica. And is good news for anyone who wants to improve the energy to make it more stable. 
  • Reducing LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is also known as hazardous. Reducing LDL cholesterol may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 
  • Had the anti-infective compound naturally found in the study. Cinnamon is effective against H. pylori are bacteria that cause ulcers or ulcers and other pathogens. Reduce the pain associated with arthritis, which has been shown in studies in the Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital. 
  • Cinnamon is used to reduce cytokine associated with arthritic pain. Research at the University of Texas, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer, showed that cinnamon can reduce cancer cell proliferation and to cancer prevention. 
  • Contain fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese although in small amounts for a typical dose of cinnamon powder. 
  • Cinnamon contains a naturally occurring chemical called cinnamaldehyde, which studies show increases in progesterone and reduce the production of testosterone in women, thus helping to balance hormones that affect fertility. 
  • Cinnamon offers treatment for a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors, and meningitis, according to a study in cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas. Their research shows that cinnamon reduces the chronic inflammation associated with this neurological disorder. 
  • Indian medicinal plant research revealed that cinnamon may be potentially effective against HIV4. According to the study authors, "extract the most effective against HIV-1 and HIV-2, respectively cinnamon (bark) and Cardiospermum helicacabum.Mencegah heart disease. With the reduction of LDL, will automatically nourish the heart. 
  • Nourish blood vessels. LDL cholesterol in the body makes blood vessels become clogged, cinnamon can reduce it. 
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Treating Alzheimer's 
  • Preventing Parkinson 
  • Treating brain tumors 
  • Treating meningitis


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