4 Health Benefits White Turmeric for Maintaining and Treating Various Disease

If you only know turmeric with orange color, apparently it is not so precise. Because, turmeric has another type wich is white turmeric ( Curcuma Zedoaria ), one type of herbal plants that have powerful benefits for maintaining and treating some dangerous disease.

The benefits of white turmeric, more as a healer of various diseases are no exception for dangerous diseases such as cancer. Herbal treatment using natural plants is increasingly in demand, and is now an alternative treatment of conventional medical treatment.

Health benefits white turmeric

The number of cancer patients is increasing and this issue is not because of the influence of modern lifestyle. In general, white turmeric does have many benefits. One of them serve as an alternative treatment to suppress the growth of cancer cells.

Health benefits of white turmeric ( Curcuma Zedoaria )

1. Treating gastric acid symptoms

Maag disease arises due to irregular eating patterns, eating foods that trigger stomach acid, and mind stress. Consumption of white turmeric boiled with water can reduce the bad risks caused by ulcer.

2. Increased appetite

White turmeric can increase appetite, why because low appetite can hinder your activity. More consumption of white turmeric boiled with water regularly can increase your appetite.

3. Treating burns wound

Nutritional content in white turmeric is able to recover burns and eczema. The trick, white turmeric that is clean shredded then add asam kawak, warmer and greener also add coconut oil. Then apply in burns wound

4. Stop the bleeding

The benefits of the next turmeric is to stop the bleeding. Many consume white turmeric can make the body more healthy and strong, because the powerful content of that herbs. The trick is by slices of white turmeric into a cup of tea and drink regularly.

Notes: Although white turmeric has many health benefits, but not everyone is able to receive the nutrients contained in white turmeric. Among them are pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

Make sure to consult with your doctor, before use this herbal remedy.


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