Red onion juice for gastric and leukemia therapy

Red onion is always remembering me about my little time, everytime I had a gastric problem my parents use red union to relieve it.
One of benefits red onion is:

  1. Lowers blood activity. 
  2. Cure asthma. 
  3. Destroying tumor cells. 
  4. lowering cholesterol. 
  5. Cure leukemia.
  6. Over come gastric problem for a chid.

How to use:

  • 20 grams of onion. 
  • Washed clean. 
  • Then blender. 
  • Drink with one tablespoon of honey twice a day in morning and evening. 
If you do not like this juice, use it as a food seasoning mixture.

Also read:

healthy strawberry juice for weight loos diet


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