Betel leaf is herbal plant that's have many benefits against infection, use to growth in backyard and have beautiful leaf, that's way people plant it in a pot. Betel leaf also know as an ingredient for old people habit to protect their mouth and teeth by chowing it, is proof to maintain teeth strong even when they become an old man or woman.

Betel leaf contains:

  • Nutrition
  • Estradiol
  • Propane
  • Hydroxychavicol
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Betel leaf benefits:

  • Antiseptic
  • Make body smell away
  • Cure asthma
  • Cure itchy

Many traditional remedies use betel leaf as one of ingredient to completed herb remedy, in a country such an asia betel leaf also known as a god leaf for some religion because they ancestor told that all disease can be cured by this leaf.

How to use betel leaf is very easy if you know how, this following simple tips can be reference for you to use betel leaf as a herbal remedies.
sembong leaf helth benefits

use two or tree betel leaf, boil with water,strain it and used.

Body smell
Drink a betel leaf water everyday in the morning and night, this remedy effect for two weeks.

Use 100 gram betel leaf, wash it clean, boil with 100 cc water and make it 50 cc, drink twice a day in the morning and night.

use one betel leaf pulverized and srub it to the itchy area

Strong and healthy teeth
Just chowing raw for mouth infection and makes strong teeth.

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