Health Benefits of Red Ginger Herbal Drink

Red ginger is one of traditional remedies that's can make your body have excellent stamina, in Asia specially Indonesia this red ginger also knows as the kind of regular ginger. If you have an issue about low body protect, this red ginger can be a solution for you.

Red ginger plant growth in a wet land also dry land, the plant it selve just a high 1 or 1,5 meters. It can be also growth by everyone in a small backyard or in a plastic bag, in small community of herbal plant's this red ginger become a favorite plant that's very easy to growth.

Now, red ginger available in a market in a modern pack and easy-to-use, you can make this herbal drink just about five minutes.

health benefits of red ginger

Health benefits of red ginger:

  • Protect body health
  • Boost stamina
  • Treating fever
  • Reduce pain cause uric acid
  • Cure low blood pressure

If you decide to used red ginger as an alternative to protect your body health, this simple tips maybe useful.

How to make red ginger herbal drink

  • 200 gram of red ginger
  • Wash it clean
  • Burn in a fire just about five minute
  • Slice into small pieces
  • Put in a glass or a cup
  • Add brown sugar or honey
  • Pore a hot water
  • Let it stand for 10 minutes
  • One glass of red ginger herbal drink ready to serve

Also read:
super health benefits of angsana tree bark


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