The danger consuming salt excess for health that you should now

Salt is one of the salty spices of the kitchen that is widely used in various cuisines and snacks. But did you know, that eating foods with high salt levels, can cause various dangerous diseases? Check out the following reviews to find out completely.

Danger consuming salt excess

In addition to lovers of sweet snacks, snacks with salty taste are also many devotees. This is inseparable from the number of snacks with salty taste in the free sale. Call it a snack of potato chips, cassava chips and others who become hunts of salty snack lovers. But, according to a health research conducted by a trusted institution, excess salt / salt can cause various dangerous diseases and can target anyone.

Here are some diseases caused by excessive salted / salt content.

Dangerous diseases caused by excessive salt intake

  • Hypertension 
  • Stroke 
  • Coronary heart 
  • Heart failure 
  • Swollen heart 
  • Fluid retention 
  • Digestive problems 
  • Kidney disorders 
  • Hair loss

The most common diseases encountered due to excessive salinity, are hypertension and heart failure. Why so, according to an internist, the human heart's organs strongly dislike excessive salt intake.

So if the heart receives too much salt intake, it indirectly responds with heart failure.

On several occasions, a researcher did research on the impact of salt intake on one's health and tested 100 people, 30 was given excess salt, 30 was given medium salt intake, and the rest was given a little salt. As a result, the next 3 months the risk of heart failure is more inclined to 30 people who were given excess salt intake.

Early prevention of excessive salt intake

Taste salty snacks  for salty lovers are very tasty, can now threaten the safety of your heart, as well as sweet foods are also very high risk for lovers of sweet taste.

Therefore, from now on stop consuming excessive salt and begin to regulate the salt use wisely.

Increase the eating of fruits and vegetables help reduce the salt content in the body, because it can be directly expelled through the body sweat and disposal process.

In addition, increase the consumption of water helps the body in neutralizing excess salt intake that can attack the heart's organ.

Now the choice is yours, if you want a healthy living, use salt wisely on every meals you eat.


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