Healthy papaya juice for constipation problems

Healthy papaya fruit is a tropical fruit that many benefits and uses. Some people make it as a remedies to cure various disease. 
This is some of the benefits of papaya fruit:

  1. Overcoming diarrhea 
  2. Overcoming fever 
  3. Overcoming allergies 
  4. Overcoming injuries
  5. Overcoming arthritic and rheumatism Streamlining 
  6. Treating Gastric digestion 
  7. Overcoming body heat 
  8. Anti Amoeba 
  9. Overcoming heart problems 
  10. do fiber breaking

  • 100 grams of ripe papaya washed 
  • Peeled seeded 
  • When you blender, add water little by little until 50 cc. 

Healthy papaya juice is ready to drink one glass a day in the morning or afternoon.


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