Healthy Pear Juice Benefit For Anti Fever Solutions

Healthy pear fruit is very good to overcome the fever, the water content in pears is very helpful for someone who is dehydrated.

health benefits of pear

Pear juice also can be healthy for the body, by drinking it every day. For some countries such a Africa, Arabia, this fruit can fill water need on human body.

Health benefits of pear

  • Treating diabetes. 
  • Anti-fever. 
  • Overcome indigestion. 
  • And if you frequently travel by vehicle, then prepare this fruit because it can cope with motion sickness. 

How to make into a healthy juice.

  • 200 grams of fresh ripe pears. 
  • Washed and peeled. 
  • Then blender. 
  • Add water little by little until 50 cc. 
  • Drink three glasses of juice a day in the morning, noon and night.


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