Health Benefits Of Tapak Dara

Tapak dara leaf or in latin catharantus roseus, this herbal plant contain alot of alkaloid that's very powerful against cancer.  This amazing herbal plant often bein used for alternative therapy for cancer patients, acording to a master of herbal therapist after two months therapy with this tapak dara leaf, the patients seems getting better.

This plant can growth in tropical climates, came from original habitats in Madagascar and spread into asia, that's way tapak dara plant easy to find in asia specially in Indonesia. In some situation our ancestor used this plant to cure fever and cough, not only cancer disease can be reduced by this plant, a leukemia also can reduce by this herbal plant. 

health benefits of tapak dara

Health benefits of tapak dara leaf

  • Anti cancer
  • Cure leukemia
  • Hodgkin
  • Cure high blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Diabetics
  • Hypotension
  • Cough

Also read: Health benefits of senna leaves tea
The side effects of tapak dara herbal remedy is can makes your head dizzy, nausea, limp, that's way this herb not allowed for pregnant woman and other people's without right doses.

This herbal plants content a high antioxidant that can cure any dangerous disease, for example tiroid. Wit a prefer doses of tapak dara leaf, tiroid can easily cure and control, so you can do all activity without worry about hand shacking.

Make sure to consult your doctor, before us this herbal remedy so that you can find out the  right doses.


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